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Secure Homes LLC Reviews for the business - Secure Homes LLC (Back to business)
2 Business Reviews - Average rating 9.5 (Best Rated | Worst Rated | Most Recent | Oldest)

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Great Service

J. King - Williamsburg - 11/23/2009

I just had Secure Homes come to my house this past weekend and inventory my belongings. They were very meticulous and the online storage solution is a nice added feature. They showed me how to use it so I can continue to update it on my own. The only reason I rated a 9 was cause of the time it took, but really that's not their fault because I have so many collectibles. Anyway overall great service and I would recommend them to anyone who hasn't already done a home inventory.


John - 6/30/2010

I have recently come on board for the Partnership OPP and They have been a great help all the way through! I highly recommend thing to anyone who is looking to run their own small biz!

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