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Getting a Virginia Beach Business License

My Adventure in Obtaining a Business License in Virginia Beach.

Having just obtained another business license in Virginia Beach,  I thought I would relate the experience for others who may be looking to obtain a business license.

Along with choosing the form of business entity, obtaining a business license is an important step to opening your business. I have seen people try to run a business without one, thinking that getting a business license is hard or expensive to obtain. This is generally not true. Without a license you cannot get a business bank account as well as other limitations on growing your business.

Zoning - This is the biggest consideration in where to locate a business. I have seen many people sign leases and open businesses in locations without consulting zoning. This is kind of obvious, one can't open a auto repair shop next to a grocery store. Make sure any commercial location is approved for your type of business. Many new businesses are started out of the home. Getting a business license at your home address is relatively easy if you have the right type of business.

Costs - For sales of 0- $25,000 = $40.00.  Sales of $25,001 - $100,000  = $50.00.
For sales over $100,000 there is a flat percentage depending on your type of business. For example nonstore sales is .002 of the entire basis. So if you sold $125,0000 in one year your business license would cost $250.00. You have to estimate the first year. If you are registering a fictious name the cost is $10.00.

Where to Go -  Now comes the fun part. As with anything in Virginia Beach you have to drive to the Courthouse off Princess Anne Road. Make sure you have your walking shoes on because you will do some walking. I must say that all the people at the courthouse are friendly and helpful.

  1. First stop, Building 1 - This is the Business License Department. They will fill out your paperwork. Make sure you have a photo ID. You must also have proof you own or lease the property and address where you are obtaining the license. After the paperwork is complete it is out the door to..
  2. Building 2 - Next door for the Zoning Department. They must sign off that the address is valid an the type of business is acceptable. Once they sign off it is out the door and back to ..
  3. The Business License Department again. They will finish some more paperwork and give you 3 copies of the Business license application which you have to take to..
  4. The Cashiers Office - Across Building 1. Here you will pay for the license. They will give you a receipt and it is back to..
  5. You guessed it, The Business license office, where they will finalize the license and give you a copy. If you are registering a fictitious name, you are not done yet. You have to make one more longer trek to..
  6. The Courthouse Building 10B, Third Floor - where you will have to obtain a certified copy of the fictitious name (for $2.50) so you can send it to the SCC.

I am sure the procedure is similar in the other Hampton Roads  Cities.


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Business tips around Hampton Roads

Mrs. Berger - 6/25/2011

Great job on making this easy to understand. I'm sure it'll save me lots of time. It's encouraging to hear that it's not as hard as people would imagine to go through this process. Thanks! I appreciate the time you took to write and post it, for those...

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